
Physical Education

Our school has a modern, spacious, well-resourced stadium in which to conduct a physical education (PE) program. Students participate in PE over the course of the week as part of the specialist program.

The students in Year Prep participate in the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) which is aimed at developing the children’s gross motor skills, coordination, balance and language. The program runs weekly for terms 2 and 3. In terms 1 and 4 the Year Prep programs focus on developing athletics and minor game skills.

The Year 1 and 2 program is based around developing fundamental movement skills through minor games and sports. Year 3 and 4 students begin to focus on sporting skills and strategies while continuing to develop their fundamental movement skills. In the upper levels of year 5 and 6 students hone in on skills and strategies used in sports and major games particularly teamwork, personal goal setting, coordination, agility and language associated with these.

We run school sporting events throughout the year including a Swimming Carnival (yrs 3-6), Athletics Carnival (whole school) and Cross-Country (yrs 3-6). Extra-curricular sporting opportunities are available at the district level and many of our sport teams progress through to division, region and state finals.

These opportunities include cross-country, football, cricket, netball, soccer, basketball, T-ball, swimming, hockey, athletics and tennis. Year 6 students also have the opportunity to be selected for the Gippsland Primary Schools Sports Camp held in Rawson each year for 3 days.

Additional to the PE program we offer Bike Education to all year 4 and 5 students. We also participate each year in the Bike Education challenge with local schools and have a great record of success.

Swimming programs occur for all students in Prep to year 6. All students participate in an intensive two-week indoor swimming program designed and in line with statewide programs. Year 4 to 6 students also participate in an outdoor program in February each year designed to focus on both swimming and water safety.

Visual Arts

Through the Visual Arts Program, students will be encouraged to explore their creativity.

They will learn skills, techniques and art work covering areas such as drawing with a variety of media, painting, printing, collage, modelling and construction and threads and textiles. They will explore artwork and techniques used by different artists, from famous international artists to local lesser known artists. They will attempt to capture some of these techniques in their own work and use their art work as inspiration.

The School holds an annual Art Show which showcases the artwork of all Visual Arts students at Grey Street. Children have had and will continue to have the opportunity to have their art work form part of exhibitions outside of the school. For example, we have had work displayed at various times at the Student Gallery at Zart Art in Melbourne and have had work displayed in the Education Exhibition at the Latrobe Performing Arts Centre Traralgon.

Performing Arts

The addition of Performing Arts significantly benefits our students’ overall academic and personal wellbeing. It fosters the development of students’ self-worth and self-assurance, both in their roles as learners and as performers, while also enhancing their ability to communicate effectively, a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives. Our Performing Arts program is focused on engaging students, offering them chances to showcase their creativity and imagination in a supportive and encouraging setting. Performing Arts encompasses three curriculum areas: Drama, Music, and Dance.

Drama involves the exploration and portrayal of personal, cultural, and societal worlds through characters and situations that captivate, entertain, and challenge. Students engage in creating, rehearsing, performing, and responding to dramatic works using the elements of drama, and technology. They learn to think, move, speak, and act with assurance, and acquire skills in teamwork, improvisation, and public speaking.

Music has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential. Key concepts are introduced through singing, playing of musical instruments, experiencing music from other cultures, composing and improvising. The study of music positively influences the cognitive, physical, social, and personal skills of students, and our program is interactive, engaging, and enjoyable.

Our dance curriculum is designed to engage, inspire, and enrich all students. They are exposed to a variety of musical styles, genres, and cultures, and learn through viewing, performing, and creating their own pieces. Students gain an understanding and appreciation for the diverse purposes, traditions, and histories of dance from around the world.

We have a dedicated performing arts space equipped with a variety of musical instruments, a stage area, green screen, projector and screen, iPads, sound equipment, costumes and props. Our extracurricular opportunities include participating in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular, and performing in the Speech, Drama, and Instrumental sections at the local eisteddfod. We also hold a whole-school celebration at the end of each year, where every student is encouraged to perform with their peers.

The variety of our Performing Arts program at Grey Street will help your child improve their collaborative skills, self-expression, and confidence, while being engaged with fun. We are delighted to see our students grow and thrive in this unique part of the curriculum, and hope that the skills they acquire will provide them with many opportunities throughout their lives.

Healthy Me

The Grey Street Primary School Health program encompasses the social, emotional and physical health and wellbeing of our students. Students learn about strategies for regulating emotions, practising social skills, whilst learning about the human body, healthy choices, safety and protective behaviours.

These lessons are tied together with Blue Earth games and sports which focus on collaboration and teamwork. This program has links to the Resilience Project, Respectful Relationships and Zones of Regulation work already occurring in our classrooms.


Students at Grey street primary school are offered a LOTE (Language Other than English) program of Chinese learning from Prep to Year 6. This program aims to improve students’ cultural awareness and offer students the opportunities to experience different cultures.

Being a school encouraging diversity and aiming to improve students’ global understanding, cultural awareness and an appreciation of different cultures is an important component of our language program. In learning and exploring Chinese culture, students will develop key communication skills and greater cultural knowledge.

Our teaching also focuses on more enjoyable ways of learning such as incorporating ICT in our teaching and encouraging students to engage in a wide range of activities such as singing Chinese songs, cooking Chinese food, using chopsticks and playing some Chinese activities.